9 Goals for the 3rd 90 Days of 2024

Join me for a Q3 goal setting workshop that's equal parts profits and paws!

I'll share my favorite method to create work-life balance and achieve things I used to
dog-dream about.

In just 1-hour you'll get clear on
what you want for the next 90 days of the year with the support of petpreneurs who get it!

K9 in 90 Workshop

Save your spot for this LIVE virtual workshop happening at on Monday, July 1, 2024 at 6pm EST.

It's like setting New Year's Goals for July - September!

    I respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Tori Mistick

    Creator of Wear Wag Repeat

    Who am I?

    I’m an an award winning digital media expert, educator, podcaster and founder of Wear Wag Repeat. My mission is to help women live their best life with dogs - as pet parents and petpreneurs!.

    Getting creative with how I grow my pet business online sparks joy! I'm PAWSitive that I can show you how to grow your pet business online, too!

    Here's the agenda:

    • Get clear on your values so you can prioritize goals for your business and pets
    • Brainstorm with other petpreneurs to create a list of 9 goals or actions that you'll check off in the next 90 days!
    • PLUS: Accountability and check-ins throughout the 90 days