i just unlocked this video for you!


A song that's really hyping me up lately is Walking on Sunshine. I know, it was released 41 years ago! But when I hear it I can't help smiling. Try listening to it and not dancing... it's impossible!

While I'm thinking about that song and how happy it makes me... I want to share something to make you and your dog happy!

Yesterday I decided to make 1 of my absolute favorite lessons from the Mental Enrichment Activity Pack FREE just for you!

I know we have a lot going on in our lives, so this is my special way of saying THANK YOU for being here in my pack.

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Click here to check out the video and peek inside the Activity Pack!​

By the way, I really did think of this idea mid-dog walk yesterday morning!

I propped my phone on a picnic table and recorded the intro because I wanted to surprise you with this before the week was over!

I hope you try this activity with your dog and that it makes you smile! 😁


P.S. I had the worst poison ivy a week ago! 🌿 It was all over my face and neck, even behind my ear! πŸ˜– I'm pretty sure Lucy got the oils on her fur or snout, then licked it all over me. Thankfully I'm 90% healed. So now I'm re-ordering our favorite dog wipes to clean Burt and Lucy after every walk.

I heard the extremely hot temps everywhere this summer are making poisonous plants thrive. Not sure if that's true, but just be careful out there, [FORMATTED_FIRST_NAME GOES HERE]!