imagine you on June 12th ( just 12 weeks away!)

Published about 2 months ago • 1 min read


Close your eyes and imagine how you'll feel on June 12th? Its just 12 weeks away. It falls on Wednesday. It's after Memorial Day, but before Father's Day. Are you there?

What do you picture?

What if I told you that by June 12th you could have a complete and ready to launch online course! And that on that very day I would be sharing your course with the entire Wear Wag Repeat audience, encouraging them to enroll! 🤩

Since announcing my Course Creator Mastermind I've heard about so many of your amazing course ideas! Ones that appeal to pet parents and ones geared towards pet pros.

Surprisingly, there aren't any duplicates! That's because you have unique knowledge to share with the world... and we need to get it out there.

In those amazing course idea DMs and brainstorming calls, I also noticed a trend of people saying "it's not the right time" or "I'm not ready".

I get it... creating a course isn't an easy task. It will take work.

But if you wait, who does that help?

--> It doesn't help the people who will benefit from your knowledge.
--> Waiting won't help you make more money this year, either.

I totally understand that you have hesitations, [FORMATTED_FIRST_NAME GOES HERE]. But I have to be honest that there's nothing in my business that I wish I had waited longer to do. If anything, I wish I had taken the leap before I was 100% ready on most projects!

I won't be offering this Mastermind again until Spring 2025 😖

If I were you (on the fence... thinking about it...) I would go for it! Here's everything that comes with the program:

  • 11 Group Coaching Calls: $1,969 value
  • My Course Framework: $599 value
  • 12 Weeks of Ongoing Slack Support: $399 value
  • Exposure to My Audience for Your Launch: $3,500 value

👉🏽 TOTAL VALUE: $6,460+

Get started today for as little as $570 on the payment plan! And I do mean TODAY... we have a kick off call scheduled for Monday, March 25th at 9am EST!


Count down to 2024-03-23T03:59:00.000Z

Let me know if you have any other questions I can answer. I'd love to help you create a course this year!



Learn how to live your best life with dogs as a pet parent and petpreneur! I share about 👉🏽dog enrichment 👉🏽dog wellness 👉🏽 my pet industry podcast 👉🏽how to grow your pet business

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