is this cheating?


All my June numbers are officially in. I'm talking blog traffic, search rankings, social media metrics, etc.

And today I'm looking over my shoulder. Did I cheat somehow?!

I didn't create much new content, yet numbers are up! 🀯

Take a look:

  • My podcast is ranking in the top 10 of pet business podcasts (a big jump from not showing up in search results at all last month!)
  • My blog traffic is up 16% from May to just over 20,000 sessions in June
  • And on YouTube, my views are up 20% and climbing!

Of course, I didn't cheat. But it feels like it when I just made a few simple changes and got numbers like that.

Here's what I did:

  • Synced my podcast's RSS feed with YouTube, automatically creating 320 new videos
  • Added about 100 links in my old blog posts linking them to each other
  • Fixed a lot of broken links on my blog to make it more user-friendly

I spent about 15 minutes a few times a week working on the links. And I can't believe what a big difference it made!

More traffic to my website has resulted in new email sign-ups, people buying my canine enrichment activity pack, and more clicks on my affiliate links.

More traffic to your website means more revenue for your pet business!

That's why the 3rd quarter theme in Wear Wag Repeat Society is search engine optimization and blogging. ​

All those new YouTube videos I created... that's SEO!

Fixing broken links and adding more internal links... that's SEO!

There's more to it than jamming a bunch of keywords into a blog post. <--- don't do that!

Are you ready to learn how to get more of the right traffic to your pet business website? Join us in Wear Wag Repeat Society before the gates close on July 3rd!​

When you join, you'll get access to our monthly lessons, in-depth mastermind-style calls and everything in the archives. You can go back and learn about ProfitFirst, growing your email list, how to make more impact with your charitable giving and so much more.

There are 42 months worth of archives... so yeah. A lot more!

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Click here to check it out and join us for Q3!​

Of course, if you have any questions just reply to this email. I'm here for you!




P.S. I should really be saving this for the July lesson in WWR Society, but I have to give you a sneak peek!

I discovered a Wordpress plugin that helped me fix all those broken links and made it sooooo easy to add all those new internal links. It's called LinkWhisper. If you have a blog, I highly recommend it!
